Prang Phakho Khmer Ruin

front view of library at Prang Phakho Khmer ruin

Casual travelers probably won’t be too impressed by the modest remains of Prang Phakho (ปรางศ์พะโค), but it has some unusual features that Khmer enthusiasts will definitely want to see. Built in the 11th century, it presently consists of just two buildings: an east-facing […]

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Flowering Trees of Thailand – Lanete

lanete tree flower

Thai Name – Mok man (โมกมัน)Scientific Name – Wrightia arboreaFamily Name – ApocynaceaeOther English Names – Ivory, tree, dhudhi, woolly dyeing rosebayFlowering Season – April-AugustNative to Thailand – YesTypical Height – 8-20 meters Not a showy tree, lanetes have small (4-6cm) white widely […]

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Boon Kathin

mural of Boon Kathin tradition

Boon Kathin (บุญกฐิน) is Month #12 of Heet Sip-Song – The Twelve Isan Merit-Making Traditions. Kathin is a robe-offering ceremony celebrated nationwide, not just in Isan. Communities lead processions to their local temple to give the monks complete three-part robe sets (trai jeewawn), […]

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