All that’s left of Ku Ban Non Ku (กู่บ้านโนนกู่) are some laterite blocks that have been piled up to make an 8×16-meter platform for a four-meter tall Buddha image built in 1995. The only estimate for an age is late-10th to early-13th century, though because of the location, later dates are most likely.

Two of the small stairs each include a broken sandstone slab and these appear that they could be from bai sema boundary stones, and so they’re probably Dvaravati era, not Khmer.

Location – Ban Non Ku, Tambon Sawathi, Amphoe Mueang, Khon Kaen Province
Other Names – Non Khu (โนนกู่), Ku Ban Non Ku Ancient Place (โบราณสถานกู่บ้านโนนกู่), Kok Ku Historical Site (โบราณสถานโคกกู่)
2 thoughts on “Ku Ban Non Ku Khmer Ruin”
Between Dvaravati era and Khmer, whch the first ?
Dvaravati came before Khmer.